
What is Lysozyme?

Lysozyme, one of the most powerful natural antibacterial and antiviralcompounds known to man, has been used in foods and pharmaceuticals for over three decades as it naturally inhibits the growth of many spoilage organisms, increases a healthy shelf life and ensures food safety. It also boosts the immunity system.

The perfect natural alternative to synthetic preservatives for Organic, Artisinal and minimally processed foods, Lysozyme ultimately helps stop multi-drug resistance in microbes due to overuse of antibiotics, as it can and has replaced the use of chemicals in many food and pharmaceutical applications.

As Nature’s Antimicrobial, Lysozyme is a key element in the immune systems’ fight against infection. This natural polypeptide is found in the organs and bodily fluids of humans, animals and plants. Lysozyme is naturally present in (and can be isolated from) Mothers milk, tears, saliva, and even cauliflower juice, but the most important source from which Lysozyme can be extracted on an industrial scale is chicken albumen.

Usage of Lysozme

Lysozyme protects many hard and semi-hard cheeses (such as White Cheese, Feta, Country Cheese, Regional Cheese, Edam, Gouda, Emmental, Swiss, Provolone, Romano, Montasio, Danbo, Asiago, Conte, Alpine types, and Manchego etc.) from late-blowing while helping them also maintain flavor, texture and a prolonged shelf life.  Lysozme has over thirty years experience in European cheeses: 99% of Italian Grana Padano and 85% of France’s hard cheese industry uses Lysozyme today. Over 5,000 tons of Grana Padano made with Lysozyme was imported to the USA in 2008.

A dosage of 30 mg per liter of milk is generally sufficient to avoid late-blowing. 1 kg can treat 88,000 lbs of milk. (10,000 eggs are required to make 1 kg of Lysozyme.)

Lysozme is stable and dependable: Granular remains stable when maintained free from humidity at room temperature with a shelf life of 2 years: premixed Solution remains stable with a shelf life of 9 months.


Since the 1970′s, Lysozyme’s renowned bactericidal activity and total a-toxicity, alone or in combination with other synergic compounds, has been used as an excellent preservative against many food spoiling microorganisms.

Lysozyme has been added to baby formula (to aid digestibility) and gastrointestinal treatments for the elderly. Lysozyme is used in skin care, to cure and prevent acne and bed sores, in optical, dental and oral conditions. In Japan, Lysozyme is highly valued as a prescription and OTC remedy, to treat headaches, colds and throat infections. Today it remains one of Japan’s most reliable, trusted preservatives for fruits & vegetables, tofu & bean curd, seafood & meats, wines & sakes, to naturally inhibits the growth of many spoilage organisms, increase a healthy shelf life and augment food safety. Lysozyme can often replace chemicals altogether. Organic wines use it to reduce sulfites and, most recently it is used in non-pasteurized beer.

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